We understand that training a dog or a puppy can be frustrating at times. That is why at Canine Companion Consulting, we provide not only training but the support you need to get you through some of the more difficult challenges in training. You can reach out to us via phone, text, or email any day. The only time we will not respond immediately is if we are sleeping or are with another valued client. It is our promise to be there for you and talk you through various training techniques. You are not alone on your journey building the relationship with your canine companion. House training, biting, fear and anxiety, just to name a few behaviors, are not easy for most people to cope with. That is why we provide you and anyone working with your dog (veterinarian, dog walker, family, pet sitter etc.) a report that outlines the behavior modification techniques we are using. This way, everyone is on the same page, helping your dog learn faster. With all the demands in life, we want the process of training to happen as quickly and easily as possible. We want you to enjoy life with your canine companion.
